Red Cross
Emergency preparedness turned into simple games.
Emergency preparedness is something that's easy for people to ignore.
So instead of being alarmist and preachy, the tone here is light and helpful above all else.
We created three different games to help you to prepare for emergencies big and small.
Dial Master
Choose important emergency contacts on your phone.
Practice dialing their number. The digits will disappear until you have it memorized.
Survival Game
For the trivia enthusiast:
The survival game tests your emergency preparedness
knowledge to see how long you would last.
Maps Sense
Where would we be without our GPS?
This game helps you learn about the world around you.
Play it enough and you won't need to get out your phone constantly to walk anywhere.
And of course you can also share your newly acquired apocalypse survival skills with friends,
or even give someone a major guilt trip when you tell them
you have memorized their phone number.
Creative Director: Adam Sherball
Art Director: Bruno Calçada
Copywriter: Margaret Webber